Bunion Specialists

While those bony protrusions on your big toes may force your feet into hiding, bunions can also cause a significant amount of pain. At Sacramento Foot and Ankle Center, the board-certified podiatrists have extensive experience in helping patients with problematic bunions, using both conservative and surgical techniques. To put your feet on the straight and narrow again, call the Davis, Carmichael and Sacramento, California, office. You can also schedule an appointment using the online booking tool.
Bunion treatment

Bunion Specialists

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Bunion Q & A

What are Bunions?

A bunion develops when the joint at the base of your big toe – the metatarsophalangeal joint – is out of alignment. This occurs when the long metatarsal bone that leads up to your big toe begins to shift toward the inside of your foot, which forces your big toe toward your other toes. In extreme cases, your big toe can shift over or under your second toe.

This misalignment is what creates an enlargement in your joint and the outward appearance of the bony protrusion.

In addition to the enlargement of the joint in your big toe, you may develop a bunionette or “tailor’s bunion” on the outside of your little toe.

Bunions aren’t necessarily dangerous, but when they become inflamed, even the slightest pressure to the area can cause extreme pain, making even the roomiest shoes impossible to wear.

Why Do Bunions Develop?

The primary culprit behind bunions are shoes that cram your toes into spaces that are too small. And when you add a heel to these shoes, which force your toes downward into the tight space, you create the perfect conditions for a bunion to develop. In other words, there’s a good reason why women are more prone to bunions since women often wear pointy-toed, high-heeled shoes.

Outside of footwear, bunions can develop because of:

  • Injury
  • An inherited structural defect
  • Hammertoes
  • Abnormal gait
  • Arthritis

Whatever the cause of your bunions, the good news is that there’s much Sacramento Foot and Ankle Center can do to help.

How are Bunions Treated?

Sacramento Foot and Ankle Center prefers to start out conservatively when it comes to bunions. Caught in their earlier stages, your podiatrist can halt the progression of your bunions with:

  • Orthotics
  • Taping and padding
  • A change in footwear

This change in footwear means confining yourself to heels under two inches and shoes with more room for your toes.

When is Bunion Surgery Recommended?

If your bunion has progressed to the point where you’re in constant pain or at risk for developing complications, like hammertoes or bursitis, a surgical solution may be your best option. Called a bunionectomy, the podiatrists at Sacramento Foot and Ankle Center perform this procedure on an outpatient basis, which means you’re free to go home the same day.

There are several variations of bunion surgeries, which your provider discusses with you beforehand.

To halt or correct your bunions, call Sacramento Foot and Ankle Center or use the online booking tool to set up a consultation.